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- Wanda E. Brunstetter
The Quilter's Daughter Page 8
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Page 8
Abraham chortled. “You’re such a hoot. I surely do love you, Fannie Mae.”
“And I love you.”
His face sobered. “For a while I was worried about your health, and the boppli’s, too, but I finally committed things to God and decided to put my trust in Him.”
She gave his hand a gentle squeeze. “Same here. I’ve learned that worry never solves anything. Fact is, it only makes one feel miserable.”
Abraham pulled Fannie into his arms. “You’re sure smart, ya know that?”
She smiled. “I must be, ’cause I was wise enough to marry you.”
Abby had been home from the Beechys’ for half an hour, and since she didn’t feel ready for bed yet, she took a seat in one of the wicker chairs on the front porch to watch the sun set and enjoy the fireflies as they performed their nightly dance. It was still too warm for sleeping, and she just wanted to sit here and think about Lester. After the game and time of refreshments, he had borrowed Caleb’s buggy and given her a ride home. Tomorrow would be their last day together until she returned to Ohio in early November.
Abby stood. Maybe I’ll take a walk to the barn and see how Callie’s new kittens are doing. She strolled through the yard, and a ray of light greeted her when she opened the barn door. She’d thought everyone in the family had gone to bed, but someone must be inside.
She moved across the straw-covered floor until she came to the source of light. Matthew was inside one of the stalls, grooming his buggy horse. “Sorry to disturb you,” she said. “I didn’t realize you were out here.”
He held up the currycomb. “Thought I’d spend a little extra time on Bonnie tonight. And you’re not disturbing me at all.”
She smiled. “What made you choose that name for the horse?”
“Actually, it was Jake’s idea, and I went along with it so he’d quit buggin’ me.”
“There’s an English woman who comes into my quilt shop back home whose name is Bonnie.”
Matthew chuckled. “This horse likes to prance around, and Jake said she looks like one of them Irish dancers he’s seen on the neighbor’s television set. He thought Bonnie was a good Irish name for her.”
Abby rested her hands on the stall door. “I’m surprised your daed allows Jake to watch TV. Is he still going through his rumspringa?”
“I think my younger brother’s been going through his running-around years since he was born.” Matthew patted Bonnie’s flanks. “One of these days he’ll settle down and get baptized into the church. Maybe he’ll find a woman desperate enough to marry him, too.”
Abby smiled. “How come you’re not married yet? And don’t tell me it’s because you haven’t found a woman that desperate.”
He snickered. “Haven’t found the right one, that’s all.”
“I knew Lester was the man for me after our first date.”
He lifted his head and gave her a curious look. “You could tell so soon?”
While Matthew continued to groom the horse, Abby glanced around the barn. She didn’t see any sign of Callie or her kittens. They’d been inside a small wooden box the last time she was here, but now the box was empty. “Do you know what happened to the mama cat and her brood?”
Matthew shrugged. “Beats me. She probably got tired of Mary Ann and Samuel messin’ with ’em and carted the kittens off to some other spot.”
“That could be.” Abby sighed. “That’s why I came out here. . .to check on the kittens.”
“Didn’t figure you’d come out just to chew the fat with me.”
Her only response was a self-conscious giggle. She was glad Matthew was her stepbrother. He was different than Harold, who hardly ever kidded around. Of course, Abby’s brother had many other fine qualities.
“Don’t believe I’ve told you this before, but I think it was real nice of you to leave your shop in Berlin and come here to help Fannie. You’re a kind and caring woman, just like your mamm.”
Abby’s throat constricted. “I love Mom very much and would do anything I could to help her.”
“Your boyfriend seems like a real nice fellow,” he said, changing the subject.
“Jah, Lester has many fine qualities.”
“Hope he knows how lucky he is to be gettin’ someone as wunderbaar as you.”
Abby lowered her lashes as heat flooded her face. “Danki for the kind words, Matthew, but I believe I’m the lucky one.”
On the last day of July, Naomi stepped out of the bathroom at the back of their store. “The boppli’s coming, so you’d better find us a ride to the hospital,” she whispered to Caleb.
He looked stunned. “You’re kidding?”
“I’m not.”
“But I thought you said your due date wasn’t until August 15.”
“Babies don’t read calendars, Caleb, and this little one’s comin’ sooner than expected, so we’d better hurry.”
“Have you been having contractions all morning and not said anything until now?”
“Just some aching in my lower back, but now my water’s broke, and I’m feeling more pain.”
“We’d better notify Abby so she can keep an eye on the store, as well as our sleeping daughter,” Caleb said, moving toward the adjoining quilt shop.
“Maybe we should close the store and take Sarah home so your mamm can watch her.”
He shook his head. “I’m expecting a supply of kerosene lamps, and if no one’s here, the UPS man won’t leave the box. Besides, driving Sarah home would take too much time.”
Naomi leaned against the edge of the counter, as a painful contraction shot through her middle. “Tell Abby what’s going on, then ask if she’s willing to watch Sarah and take her to my daed’s after work.”
“Okay.” Caleb rushed into the other room, and a few moments later he returned with Abby at his side.
“Caleb says you’ve gone into labor,” she said with a look of concern. “Do you want me to call an ambulance?”
“Maybe we should,” Caleb agreed. “That would get us to the hospital much quicker.”
“And it would cost a lot of money.” Naomi shook her head. “Just go to the gift shop down the street and see if Mary Richards is free to drive us.”
Caleb’s eyebrows drew together. “I don’t know, Naomi—”
“I’ll be fine. You’ll see.” She waved her hand. “Now dummle— hurry!”
Without another word, he gave her a quick hug and rushed out the door.
Abby paced in front of the store window. It had been two hours since Caleb and Naomi had left for the hospital in Mary Richards’ car. They’d promised to send word as soon as the baby was born, but that could be hours yet. If I’m this anxious over Naomi having her baby, I can only imagine how I’ll feel when Mom’s time comes.
Abby was glad her mother had agreed to have the baby at the hospital in Lancaster rather than hiring a midwife like some Amish women chose to do. At least they would have plenty of doctors and emergency equipment available should a problem arise.
If I’m not mistaken, Mom had a doctor’s appointment today. Seems she said the doctor planned to do an ultrasound, and I’m anxious to know how that turned out. Abby frowned. I hope there’s not a problem with her pregnancy.
Abby’s thoughts were halted when the front door opened and Matthew walked in. “I heard you were here by yourself and figured you could use some help.” He removed his straw hat and hung it on a wall peg by the door.
“News sure travels fast. How’d you know Caleb took Naomi to the hospital?”
“Caleb called his brothers at the buggy shop, and Andy drove over to our place to give us the word.”
Abby was about to comment, when she heard a muffled cry coming from the back of the room. “That must be Sarah. Can you mind the store while I get her up?”
“Sure, no problem.”
Abby found Naomi’s daughter standing in her playpen, tears streaming down her flushed cheeks and her golden curls in a tangled mass. S
he bent over and lifted Sarah into her arms. “Let’s change your windles, and then you can go see Uncle Matthew.”
A short time later, Abby carried the little girl up front and found Matthew sweeping the floor. When he spotted his niece, he set the broom aside and reached for her. “If Naomi has her boppli before the day’s out, we can spread the news tomorrow at church,” he said, glancing at Abby.
“That would save a lot of time in the telling,” she agreed.
Sarah nuzzled Matthew’s clean-shaven cheek, and he patted her back in a fatherly fashion.
Such a shame he’s not married and raising his own family, Abby thought. Naomi told me that Matthew’s shy around women, but he doesn’t seem so whenever he’s with me.
An idea popped into Abby’s head. Why not invite her friend Rachel to come for a visit? Rachel had told her many times that she was looking for the right man. Maybe she and Matthew would hit it off. That’s exactly what I’m going to do. I’ll write Rachel a letter and invite her to spend some time with me here.
“I can’t believe we still haven’t had any word on Naomi,” Fannie said to Abby as they sat at the kitchen table cutting lettuce and tomatoes for a tossed salad. This was one thing her mamm could do from a sitting position, and since the swelling in her legs had finally gone down, Abby figured it would be all right.
“I thought from the way Naomi talked, the boppli might be born soon after they got to the hospital,” Abby said.
“Maybe she wasn’t as close as she thought,” Nancy put in from her place at the stove.
Mom frowned, and the wrinkles around her eyes seemed more pronounced. “Sure hope when my time comes it’ll go quickly.”
“Speaking of your time, what’d the doctor say today? Did they do the ultrasound?” Abby questioned.
Mom nodded. “Jah, but I’d rather wait and tell you the results when Abraham and the rest of the family are here.”
“Is there something wrong with the boppli?” Abby couldn’t help but feel some concern.
Mom reached over and patted Abby’s hand. “Not to worry, dear one.”
Abby set her paring knife aside in order to scratch an irritating itch on her wrist. She didn’t know why she felt so nervous. Maybe it was because she didn’t like to wait for things, especially something as important as the news of her mother’s ultrasound. This had been a day of waiting, and she felt rung out.
“Let’s get the rest of our supper made,” Mom suggested. “As soon as the men come in from the fields I’ll tell you about my appointment.”
Abby resumed her salad making, cutting a few more tomatoes and tossing them into the bowl. She was glad Mary Ann had volunteered to watch Sarah and had taken her outside to blow bubbles. As jittery as Abby felt right now, she wouldn’t have made the best babysitter. She was about to head to the refrigerator for a bottle of salad dressing, when the back door opened and Matthew, Jake, Samuel, and Abraham entered the room. Matthew had gone to the barn after the two of them arrived home from the store, and from the looks of the dirt on the other three men’s clothes, she guessed they must have just come in from the fields.
“Any word on Naomi yet?” Abraham asked as he bent to give Abby’s mother a kiss on the cheek.
She shook her head. “No, but I have some news of my own to share.”
Abraham’s eyebrows shot up. “You’d better not have gone into early labor. The boppli’s not due for three months yet.”
She clucked her tongue. “No need to worry. I’m not havin’ any contractions.”
“That’s a relief.” He dropped into the chair beside her. “So, tell me what’s on your mind.”
“Would somebody please call Mary Ann? She took Sarah outside awhile ago, and I’d like her to hear my news, too.”
“What about Norman?” Matthew asked. “He’s already gone home for the day.”
“Guess he’ll have to wait ’til tomorrow to hear whatever Fannie has to say,” his daed replied, “because I’m not waitin’ any longer.”
“I’ll go get Mary Ann,” Samuel offered. He scampered out the door and returned a few minutes later with Mary Ann and Sarah at his side.
“Samuel says you’ve called a family meeting,” Mary Ann said. “Is somethin’ wrong?”
Mom wagged her finger. “Not unless you think two bopplin would be wrong.” Tears gathered in the corners of her eyes, and she brushed them away.
A muscle in Abraham’s jaw quivered, and he blinked a couple of times. “Two bopplin? What two bopplin—Naomi’s and ours?”
Mom placed one hand against her stomach and smiled. “I’m talkin’ about the two bopplin I’m carryin’ right here.”
“How do ya know?”
“That’s wunderbaar!”
Everyone spoke at once, until Abraham held up his hands. “Let my fraa tell us the details of this great news.” The adoring look he gave his wife put a lump in Abby’s throat. He must feel truly blessed.
“As some of you already know, the doctor saw me last week and ordered today’s ultrasound,” Mom said. “He’d wanted me to have one done a few months ago, but I kept putting it off.”
“Why’d he want the test?” Jake asked, as he took a seat at the table.
“Because he’d heard two heartbeats.” Mom patted her stomach. “Now we know why I’ve gotten big so quickly.”
Abby had to admit that her mamm’s stomach had rounded considerably in the last few months, but she figured it was because she carried a big baby.
“So two babies showed up on the ultrasound? Is that what you’re sayin’, Fannie?” This question came from Matthew, who stood behind Abby’s chair.
Mom nodded and swiped at the tears that had splashed onto her cheeks. “It’s taken me some time to accept the idea of bein’ a mother again, but this news is almost too much to comprehend.”
“Thank the Lord for His goodness,” Abraham exclaimed. “We’re gonna have zwilling!”
A chorus of cheers went up around the room, and no one seemed to hear the pounding on the back door until Abby excused herself to answer it. Caleb’s brother Marvin stepped into the room wearing a huge smile on his face. “It’s another girl! Naomi’s boppli was born an hour ago, and mother and child are doin’ fine.”
Linda was pleased that Beth’s church was within walking distance, because she wasn’t about to ask Jim for a ride. He’d been irritable and impatient with her and Jimmy last night. This morning, when she’d awakened him to say they were leaving for church, he’d nearly snapped her head off. She had tried one more time to get him to go with them, but he’d adamantly refused.
Now, as she and Jimmy walked up the steps to the church, she had second thoughts about her decision. Maybe I should have only agreed to come to church and not Sunday school. It might have been best to work our way into things.
“There’s Allen!” Jimmy shouted, giving Linda’s hand a tug. “See, right over there.”
Linda turned and saw Beth, Allen, and Beth’s other two boys coming up the sidewalk. A feeling of relief washed over her. She found comfort in seeing some familiar faces.
“I’m glad you could make it,” Beth said, giving Linda a hug. “My husband wanted to meet your husband, but he came down with the flu last night and couldn’t be here this morning.”
Linda swallowed past the lump in her throat. “Jim won’t be here, either. I’m afraid he’s not interested in attending church.”
“Maybe we can plan a barbecue sometime and get our men together that way,” Beth said as they entered the building.
Linda’s only response was a noncommittal shrug. She knew it wasn’t likely that Jim would be willing to get together with her new friend’s family. She couldn’t get him to do much of anything she wanted these days.
“The boys’ Sunday school class is downstairs,” Beth said. “Allen knows the way, so he, Brent, and Ricky can take Jimmy there while we go to our class.”
Linda halted at the top of
the steps, clutching her son’s hand. Am I really ready for this?
“They’ll be fine,” Beth whispered, as though sensing Linda’s reservations.
Linda didn’t admit it to Beth, but she was more nervous about going to the adult Sunday school class than she was about letting Jimmy attend his class without her. He had done well during Bible school and would be going to first grade in the fall, so she was sure he would be okay.
The boys bounded down the stairs, and Linda followed Beth down the hall. Maybe I should have dropped Jimmy off at church and gone home to be with Jim this morning. We need some time alone, that’s for sure. She thought about her mother’s comment when they’d gone to Boise to visit her family the last time. “I can tell things are strained between you and Jim. Have you thought about seeing a counselor before things get any worse?”
Linda had made light of it to her mother that day, but the truth was, she knew her marriage was in trouble. Later she’d mentioned counseling to Jim, but he’d blown up and said she could have her head shrunk if she wanted to, but he wouldn’t be going.
As Linda and Beth entered a large, cheerfully decorated classroom, she forced her thoughts aside and drew in a deep breath to help steady her nerves.
“This is the Young Marrieds’ class,” Beth said with a sweeping gesture. “For the last few weeks we’ve been studying the book of Ruth.”
Linda took a seat at the table next to Beth, and Ray and Christine Bentley, a middle-aged couple who seemed quite pleasant, introduced themselves as the teachers.
For the next hour, Linda sat in rapt attention as she listened to the biblical account of Ruth and Boaz. She was amazed to learn what a caring man Boaz was and couldn’t get over how Ruth had willingly gone with her mother-in-law to a strange country. By the time class was over, Linda felt a deep yearning to return to Sunday school next week and to read her Bible at home, which she had discovered yesterday near the back of their bookcase.
When she and Beth reached the sanctuary, they met Jimmy and Allen inside the door. Jimmy’s face was flushed and beaded with perspiration.